tcruise-ce-logoThis full featured timber cruise software can process 100% tally, point, plot, double point, or stump cruises. In addition, the program provides growth projection, reproduction plot summaries, and site index evaluation for selected key species. Because the program utilizes profile functions to obtain volumes maximum flexibility is afforded to the user in specifying merchandising standards and in recording merchantable heights, even after the cruise is performed!

The Microsoft Windows interface makes the creation of cruise templates a breeze. Once these templates are created they provide the initial set-up for differing cruising conditions, timber types, and size classes. Changes in the cruise template are only needed if timber prices or merchandising specifications change.

TCruiseCE1Here’s a list of just some of what you can do with TCruise:

  • Specify an alpha/numeric species code up to 5 characters in length
  • Auto-assign products based on DBH classes, eliminating the need for specifying product
  • Perform any plot, point, double -point (VBAR), 100%, strip, or stump cruising method
  • Turn any columns on or off
  • Automatically perform height subsampling
  • Use built-in profile functions for over 100 species or user-defined equations
  • Define capabilities for DBH-Merchantable height equations, DBH growth equations, Form Class equations, or stump diameter to DBH equations
  • Specify stand, tract or any strata and a unique plot ID for each plot
  • Generate custom reports and a variety of industry-standard reports
  • Generate value reports and statistics based on user-defined prices
  • Conduct multi-product grading of individual trees
  • Collect age and growth information for site index and growth calculations
  • Automatically do in-field error checking
  • Accept Lat/Lon and plot ID for each plot from SoloForestCE
  • Conduct audit or re-measurement cruises
  • Automatically export all data to Access with our LandMark Export Module
  • Calculate tree or log average cruises

The Microsoft Windows interface makes the creation of cruise templates a breeze. Once these templates are created they provide the initial set-up for differing cruising conditions, timber types, and size classes. Changes in the cruise template are only needed if timber prices or merchandising specifications change.


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