tcruise-logo-1TCruise is a comprehensive desktop forest inventory solution for conducting forest inventories. The NEW TCruise Pro program features several optional modules for advanced cruise design and analysis.

Why choose TCruise?

  • It’s the most flexible and comprehensive inventory solution available
  • It’s designed, coded and supported by foresters for foresters
  • It is the most stable and powerful inventory solution available
  • It enables foresters to make confident, informed decisions

TCruise helps you:

  • Generate standing timber volumes
  • Use profile functions to obtain volumes for maximum flexibility is afforded
  • Easily stratify cruises
  • Support advanced audit cruising
  • Develop height sub-sampling routines
  • Establish localized volume estimator for stump cruises

TCruise | The Fully Stocked Inventory Solution – providing the data you need in four steps:

  • Template setup – Define products, species and groups.
  • Cruise Timber – Use TCruiseCE in the field in conjunction Trimble’s Solo Forest GPS program and F4 Tech’s RTI script to facilitate plot navigation and spatial plot location in the field.
  • Compute Volumes – Process field files to obtain volumes for your cruise.
  • Create Reports – Data can be outputted to Excel, Access, SQL, and even an ArcGIS geodatabase.

TCruise Pro Optional Modules

The all new TCruise Pro version includes optional modules listed below which are add-ons and cost $300/module. Users may update to the new version without enabling any of the new modules and without incurring any additional costs. When making the TCruise Desktop update, registrations will only be required for those who implement the optional modules. Users migrating to the new version can also rest assured that their old configuration settings will be maintained. The new TCruise Pro version will be the only supported version after June 2017. Users who do upgrade to this new version will also need to update the mobile (field) version of TCruise for compatibility. Updating TCruise for Mobile Devices is free for existing users and will not require re-registration.

  • Pro toolbar with following functions:
    • Sample size estimator – designed for stratified, multi stand cruises to help users determine samples needed to meet defined allowable error requirements based cruise method, stand size, and standard deviation estimates for each stand/strata.
    • Plot allocator – creates cruise grid based on several allocation types for single stands. Batch allocation is also possible when parameters are defined in the stand/strata shapefile. Sample size for each stand can also be estimated based on CV, cruise method, and stand/strata area.
    • Overlay tool – this tool can apply stand/strata ID’s by loading in a projected polygon shapefile that overlays the plots. The polygon shapefile must contain a StandID or StrataID field (text) along with an Acres field. Cruise plots must have a Lat Long coordinate assigned which is automatically applied when using RTI or the GPS capture button in TCruise for Mobile Devices. This tool can also automate the entry of Stand/Stratum land area in TCruise Desktop Pro.
  • Excel based Reports – 20+ Excel worksheets with a variety of standard report types and tables for analysis or for joining to GIS layers. To implement the new reports, users will need to make a few minor updates to their existing templates and TCD files. Detailed instructions for these updates are here.
  • Growth & Yield Utility – COMING SOON. This utility will use models from Mississippi State (MSU), PTAEDA (VA Tech), and USFS and will automate loading of stand table data, applying parameters, and database output.
  • Audit Cruise – Users can create audit cruises directly on a handheld device or on the PC.
    • Blind or paired audits can be created
    • When all audit data has been collected, use the HH Simulator to Process the audit.
    • The audit routine allows users to choose how to weight each cruise field entry for scoring.
    • Statistically valid reporting
  • Update Database Utility
    • Allows your Stands GIS layer to have volume variables automatically input or updated.
    • Compatible with ESRI Personal Geodatabases (Access) or File Geodatabases.
    • User defined field list allows custom field naming and species grouping or volume attributes
    • Captures “by DBH” volume variables in tables that can be related to user GIS Stands.
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