Haglof VL5

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With the proven accuracy of the Haglöf Vertex hypsometer and the advantages and speed of laser technology, this multi-functioning instrument is the only device you will need for your height, distance and angle measuring work.

To measure tree heights and plot radius in dense vegetation and rough undergrowth, use the Vertex ultrasound technology.

When sighting is without obstacles and distances are long, Laser measuring is superior in speed and simplicity. Aim, press and get the results!

Tree heights and plot radius

For shorter ranges, in dense forest and with difficulties to target, the Vertex Ultrasound method is perfect to use. Ultrasound works with the transponder T3 as reference point and always seeks the shortest way around any obstacle. This is why foresters prefer Ultrasound in dense terrain – it works!

With the Vertex Laser, you can decide on what method to use once you are actually on the location.

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