Description: TCruise Desktop Pro is a full-featured forest inventory software solution developed by Worldwide Heuristic Solutions. The program can utilize the most common inventory sampling methods and report in a variety of volume units. TCruise comes with nearly 500 internal volume functions and can also accommodate user-defined volume tables and equations. There are various reporting modules the program can feed via database export. TCruise can also be customized by the developer to meet individual customer needs for special reporting, exports, or processing. Users may update older versions of TCruise Desktop to the latest version at no charge. It is recommended that the mobile (field) version of TCruise be updated at the same time as the Desktop version to prevent compatibility issues. Updating TCruise for Mobile Devices is also free for existing users and will not require re-registration.
Compatibility: Compatible with all Windows operating systems from Windows 7 - Windows 11.
TCruise Desktop Install and Update Procedures:
1. Download the latest installer by right clicking on this link: TCruise Desktop Pro and choose Save Link as… or Save Target As… Choose the Downloads folder on your PC as the destination. If a security application attempts to prevent this installer from downloading, simply click the Allow Download or Keep option.
2. Run the installer file named TCruiseSetup.exe. You may need admin privileges to install this application. The install wizard should guide you thru the install process. The first prompt will be to accept the terms and conditions. Choose Next, I accept the license agreement, Next, Next, etc. and then Finish to complete the install.
3. Register TCruise - New installs and of TCruise will require registration as will transfers of the software to a new PC. Each PC will need a unique set of registration and keys codes based on the TCruise Product Identification Code; you cannot re-use codes generated for another PC.
- Open the TCruise program using the desktop shortcut. If an IT administrator has installed TCruise for you, you may not find a desktop or start menu shortcut for TCruise. If this is the case, open the File Explorer app on your PC and navigate to the C:\Program Files\Heuristic Solutions Applications\Timber Cruise folder and find the file inside named TCruise.exe. Right click on the file TCruise.exe and choose Send to > Desktop Create Shortcut. The shortcut should then be available to you on the Desktop.
- Accept the license agreement.
- Find the 8 character TCruise ProductID that is displayed after you are prompted to register. It should look like the pic below.
- Use this link to the Desktop Software Request Form to provide the TCruise Product ID and to submit your code request to LandMark Spatial Solutions. Be sure to include info in the notes if you also need to register options modules such as TCruise Excel Reports, Database Export, TCruise Pro Toolbar, or Enterprise Import for Inventory Manager.
TCruise Pro Optional Modules - $300/module/user
1. Pro toolbar with the following functions:
- Sample size estimator - designed for stratified, multi stand cruises to help users determine samples needed to meet defined allowable error requirements based cruise method, stand size, and standard deviation estimates for each stand/strata.
- Plot allocator - creates cruise grid based on several allocation types for single stands. Batch allocation is also possible when parameters are defined in the stand/strata shapefile. Sample size for each stand can also be estimated based on CV, cruise method, and stand/strata area.
- Overlay tool - this tool can apply stand/strata ID's by loading in a projected polygon shapefile that overlays the plots. The polygon shapefile must contain a StandID or StrataID field (text) along with an Acres field. Cruise plots must have a Lat-Long coordinate assigned which is automatically applied when using RTI or the GPS capture button in TCruise for Mobile Devices. This tool can also automate the entry of Stand/Stratum land area in TCruise Desktop Pro.
2. Excel-based reporting - 20+ Excel worksheets with a variety of standard report types and tables for analysis or for joining to GIS layers. To implement the new reports, users will need to make a few minor updates to their existing templates and TCD files. Detailed instructions for these updates are here.
User Guides: See the manuals section of our website.
Sample TCruise Templates: The templates below should be good starting points for creating your own custom template. Note that you will probably need to edit the cruise method, species, products, and merch specs to make them useful for your local area. Save the desired files to your My Documents > TCruisePC folder on your PC. Call for assistance or read through the Templates section of our online manual in the Manuals section of your website.
Sample Cruise Data: The sample data sets below can help users practice processing cruises. Follow the instructions in the document link below.
Cruise Processing using TCruise Desktop